Meeting documents

SCC Scrutiny for Policies, Children and Families Committee
Friday, 13th September, 2019 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Scrutiny for Policies, Children and Families Committee, Friday 13th September 2019 10.00 am (Item 4.)

To discuss any items for the forthcoming work programme. To assist the discussion, the following documents are attached:

a) – The Cabinet’s latest published forward plan;

b) – Current Work Programme for the Committee;

c) – Outcome Tracker.


The Chair directed the Committee’s attention to the Council’s forward plan of proposed key decisions, and it was noted that several decisions earmarked for 1 November appeared to be dependent on ‘European’ funding and sought reassurance. The Director of Children’s Services stated that regardless of the status of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, known as ‘Brexit’, the Government had committed to matching European funding.


On the topic of ‘Brexit’ it was asked if the Committee could receive a report outlining the Council’s preparedness/plans. The Scrutiny Manager noted that any overall Brexit plan would be best considered by the Policies and Place Scrutiny Committee and he undertook to flag this with a recently created ‘Brexit’ team. It was requested that a report with a Children and Families aspect regarding contingencies to manage ‘Brexit’ be brought to a future meeting.


The Chair noted that on the Committee’s forward plan a number of items had been suggested that would lend themselves to discussion by a joint meeting with the Adults and Health Scrutiny Committee and the Scrutiny Manager undertook to discuss this with the Chair of that Committee. It was also suggested that members of the Health and Well-being Board be invited, once arrangements had been finalised. 


The Scrutiny Manager informed the Committee that he had followed up a request regarding a future agenda item on ‘Safe routes to school’. He reflected several items had been highlighted by relevant Officers and the Committee agreed that the Chair, Vice Chair and Scrutiny Manager meet to determine the specific aspects to be considered.


The refreshed outcome tracker was noted and accepted.

Supporting documents: